Beacons of Hope: Positive Storytelling for Public Education


In this session, we’ll explore how positive storytelling can rebuild trust in public education. Using Pittsburgh as a case study, we’ll review how coordinated communications efforts are spotlighting “Beacons of Hope”: student-driven stories that show the world what schools, at their best, can be. Leveraging documentary films, podcasts, and eye-catching media platforms, storytellers in Mister Rogers’ real-life neighborhood are nurturing new connections between communities and schools—and sparking new opportunities for learners.

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Other Resources / Information


  1. Audience will understand the full scope of communications tools available to them, from the conventional (but under-used) to the totally unexpected.
  2. Audience will understand the elements of positive, locally-rooted, emotionally-resonant stories that can help build trust in public schools.
  3. Audience will leave with a suite of examples and storytelling resources, as well as ideas for their own communications campaigns.



Ryan Rydzewski, Communications Officer, The Grable Foundation

Meta Information:

  • Tags: storytelling, student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Conversation
  • Track: Arts & Storytelling
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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